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(214) 763-8057

    Brenda is such a voice of calm when tech issues throw everyone into panic. She’s patient, knowledgeable, and a great problem solver. I can’t imagine working with anyone else when it comes to ACT! implementation or troubleshooting. Thanks for all your good work, Brenda. You’re the best!

    Marty McGee

    Over 2,320 5 Star Ratings


    Rated 5/5 by 2,327 Customers

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    Has your business…
    “Lost” potential customers because leads are scribbled on an unmanageable mountain of paper?
    Witnessed the failure of a potentially good salesperson because they were disorganized and undisciplined?
    “Lost” an employee, and you’re just not ready to commit to a full-time replacement?
    Cut Back, only to find times when your staff is spread too thin?
    Gone into your “Busy Season”, without the staff needed to support the business?
    Found you don’t have the time or staff to recruit the staff you need?
    Found yourself with too many people on vacation and sick, all at once?

    Are you looking for ways to get more done, with fewer people, and less expensive for payroll and benefits?

    How can I help YOU and Your Team, Use Act! Better?