If you have used Act! for any length of time, you know there are multiple ways to accomplish almost everything… Especially Lookups. You have the top menu Lookup and the left side bar Lookup where you simply select the desired Field and type in the desired info. You have the “Right-Click in the Field” Lookup if you have a desktop install. You have the lesser known “Advanced Query” and “By Example”, each considering variables such as starts with, contains, greater than, etc.. Then there’s Universal Search which can search not only the Contacts, but also their Notes, Histories and other entities. So many ways to find the data you seek!
But a lesser known and thus lesser used lookup is the Annual Events. While Act! has Field data formatting types including Date fields allowing a calendar selection, it also has an option to format it as an Annual Event. This is how the Birthday Field is formatted allowing it to show on the calendar each year, year after year after year. You can lookup Birthdays by several of the usual Lookup methods mentioned above, but try this: From the Lookup Drop Down Menu, select Annual Events (or Ctrl+Shift+A). In the window that opens, select Birth Date (1) in Search For, enter the date range desired (2 and 3), then select Find Now (4). It should show what you want, then you can select Print List. Now you have a list for cards or calls for Birthdays.
If your business has any other annual event you would like to track (annual maintenance, subscription renewal, etc.), I can add the Field to your database for you. If you or your team need training, customization to your database, more licenses, or anything Act! related, I am here. Helping you leverage Act! in your business, is my business! Let’s Act! UP!
* Reminder: Act! has multiple deployment options and many versions. Not all features exist in all deployments and versions. Ask an Act! Consultant what can work for you.