I Love Act!, and I use it everyday to keep my calendar, phone calls, notes, details, etc.  It is simply my “go-to” ensuring my “paycheck”.

I will be the first to admit that I am NOT a sales person, but I am a decent customer service person and a long term, dedicated Act! User!

So not being a sales person technically, what simple steps do I take and what do I see that helps sales people sell?

1.  Set and Alarm Activities!  I have been saying this for some time, and it remains my Number ONE Tip for Act! Users…

Each time you view an Act! Contact Record for whatever reason, make sure there is a “next activity” set and alarmed!  The next activity may be to call in 6 months and check in, it may be to send a survey to identify additional product or service needs, it may be to send a personal note asking about their child’s school play…  Whatever it may be, alarm it so you will be reminded, and do it… And then set another alarmed activity…

2.  Act! Marketing Automation!  This is my personal favorite and just last week and client reminded me what I have heard so many times:

It matters less what you say.  It matters more, that you send something!

Don’t let writer’s block or analysis paralysis stop you!  Keep visible, remind your customer base that you are still available, and make sure they have your number handy!

As time goes by, Act! is making this easier: If you have not tried it, maybe it’s time!

3.  Opportunities:  This feature is not for everyone and I hear so often that the Act! Opportunities feature is “cumbersome”.  But when I look at how some people use Opportunities, more often than not, they have over complicated the process.  Keep it simple and try it, and when doing so a sales person can easily see dollar signs… And how may sales people like dollar signs?  (Rhetorical question!)

4.  Last Results:  In the “boxed” Act! Layout, there is a Field called “Last Results” in the Business Card section of the Contact Record.  I like to use this Field for a brief note regarding the status of a Contact record at our last “touch”. By doing so, I don’t have to review Notes, Histories, Activities, Opportunities, or anything else: I can immediately see where I last left a record. It’s my Short Cut!

5.  Mail Merge:  Don’t forget good ol’ “snail mail”!

E-marketing has gone so far, but remember the days when we received a letter?  With very little word processing experience, you can use Act! to automate multiple personalized looking letters, post cards, mailing labels, envelopes, etc.  I have a client/friend who built her real estate business by printing and mailing postcards to her target market.  Success!

For specifics on any of the items listed, I offer personalized, custom live or remote training, answering questions and providing direction, on the features YOU use or want to use.  Just contact me.

So what’s YOUR favorite way to use Act! as a Sales Tool?

"How do YOU use Act!? 

And how can you use Act! BETTER?"

Brenda Ralston

Send me YOUR Act! Questions!


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